March 24. 2017 KOSTIS MOSSIALOS A few years ago, I successfully completed my studies at Comenius University in Bratislava. A definite role in my success was played by the persons, who in their way stood next to me throughout my studies. Among these persons, I also rank Mr. Menandros Emfietzoglou and all the staff of EMFASIS, who showed real zeal for my progress and that of my fellow students. They were close to us in any difficult time, whether they were small details that we were unable to solve as students, or to encourage and help us in issues, that given the distance from home we could not handle alone, especially in the first years of our studies. EMFASIS offered solutions to any kind of issues like internal university issues, student housing, notes or advice. I would describe the General Manager and all its staff as a good friend I could rely on at any time.

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