By Distance Learning, we mean education from a distance absolutely with electronic means. The trainee has 24-hour access to the teaching material through the internet and has the ability to communicate with the teacher online in real time.
Distance learning offers many advantages. Therefore, there is an increasing demand. The student has direct access to a vast digital material, including notes, videos, tests, exercises and a digital library that he/she can use from the comfort of his home, having access to any time he/she wants. He/she employs all his/her senses, significantly minimizing the necessary time for studying.
Access is possible from anywhere in the world and the only thing required is a good internet connection.
At the same time, the scheduled courses take place in real-time, “digital classes” of small groups; it facilitates the student to fully understand the subject, submit his/her questions and be in direct contact with the competent teacher.
Of course, for those who prefer a physical contact with the teachers, there is the Blended Learning method, which incorporates traditional teaching in the classroom with e-learning. The trainees attend distance learning courses – with daily feedback from the teacher(s) – as well as classroom courses, thus maintaining personal contact with them. The trainer plays the role of a consultant, who guides and personalizes the curriculum according to the needs of each trainee.