Prof. Dr. S. KostianevRector of Medical University of Plovdiv
The English-speaking departments of our university may have only a few years of experience, but we have invested in them, and we are particularly proud of our university's international awards, which prove in practice the great progress that has been made over the last years both in new infrastructure & technology, and at the level of teaching work, as well. We are collaborating with EMFASIS group, a prestiguous and serious educational organization, which is promoting our university in the best possible way and the students it is sponsoring are distinguished by real interest in their studies and scientific development.
I trusted my two children to EMFASIS and the General Manager of Mr. Menandros Emfietzoglou, for whom I had received very positive feedback from my medical environment.Now, after a six-year collaboration, I can say that not only I did not regret my choice, but I am absolutely convinced that the people of EMFASIS show unquestionable interest in the education of the children they undertake; they are always close to their students and deal with excellent consistency and responsibility every need that may arise during their studies. That is why I thank from the depth of my heart EMFASIS Foundation Group and all its staff.
Medicine is a long and demanding science, constantly evolving and highly competitive. It requires devotion, love and seriousness from the people who serve it. Having completed my studies abroad and spent many moments of joy, sadness and anguish, I can say with certainty that all this experience was a milestone in my life. A very important factor that led me to make the decision to go abroad and start my studies without losing valuable time, was EMFASIS educational group and its staff, that not only opened the way and guided me to my choice, but they were always on my side.
In order for my daughter to continue her studies at a University abroad, I addressed the " EMFASIS " Educational Group. My choice was not accidental but a result of many encouraging information from parents who had already trusted "EMFASIS". The first impressions after my meeting with the General Manager of the Group, Mr. Emfietzoglou, were positive, and later on they turned to very positive. The commitment that the role of "EMFASIS" would not be limited to the initial accommodation of the student at the University of his choice, but that it would continue to be close to her throughout her studies, something that seemed almost utopian, turned out to be abdolutely realistic. Their infrastructure both in Greece and abroad, and especially, the very often presence of the General Manager Mr. Emfietzoglou and his associates at the place of studies, solve any problem the student may face in a foreign country. I think that "EMFASIS" is justified to bear the title of EDUCATIONAL GROUP.
A few years ago, I successfully completed my studies at Comenius University in Bratislava. A definite role in my success was played by the persons, who in their way stood next to me throughout my studies.Among these persons, I also rank Mr. Menandros Emfietzoglou and all the staff of EMFASIS, who showed real zeal for my progress and that of my fellow students. They were close to us in any difficult time, whether they were small details that we were unable to solve as students, or to encourage and help us in issues, that given the distance from home we could not handle alone, especially in the first years of our studies. EMFASIS offered solutions to any kind of issues like internal university issues, student housing, notes or advice. I would describe the General Manager and all its staff as a good friend I could rely on at any time.
Professor Dr. Peter LabasDean of the Faculty of Medicine, Comenius University in Bratislava
Medical studies are demanding and require study, devotion and concentration, because people’s life can be judged by the knowledge, experience and abilities of a doctor. Our university offers a very high level of study; therefore, its good reputation has spread not only in Europe but also in the United States of America, resulting to the global recognition of our diplomas. But in order to achieve it, it takes effort and faith in the Hippocratic Oath. Regarding the foundation group, EMFASIS is a valuable associate who deservedly represents our university, sponsoring every year a large number of students, especially of very high standards.
As an Educational Group EMFASIS represents the most reputable and reliable state universities in Slovakia, Czech Republic and Bulgaria, we play for decades a leading role in the preparation, guidance, installation and academic supervision of students interested in medical studies, Dentistry, Pharmacy, Architecture and University in English language sections with direct entry to the first year of study and automatic recognition of diploma