The European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) was created so that ECTS credits could facilitate the recognition of studies and courses undertaken at different European universities and is now widely used in all countries participating in the European Higher Education Area. It is an important tool for flexibility, mobility […]
Σλοβακία Pharmacy
Entrance exams for Medicine and Dentistry of Comenius University in Bratislava 2023
The entrance exams for the Comenius University of Bratislava and specifically for the Faculty of Medicine will be held on August 8, 2023, and for the Faculty of Dentistry on August 9, 2023. Prospective students who are eligible to participate in the entrance exams will participate online. Our entrance exam […]
Admission to the best European Medical Schools for the year 2022-2023
As the national examinations for the year 2022 approach and the anxiety of candidates and parents peaks over the final performance, we consider it our duty as EMFASIS to help. We essentially help all those who ardently wish to attend a Medical or Dental school, a Pharmacy or Veterinary school, […]
Back to office!
Back to office! Dear customers / Dear prospective students, we are extremely pleased to announce that from MONDAY MAY 17th and after six months of absence of most of our collegues from the EMFASIS facilities in Athens and Thessaloniki, due to the special conditions imposed by Covid -19, we ALL […]