Free Webinar for Undergraduate & Postgraduate Studies in Germany

April 19. 2018 Free Webinar for Undergraduate & Postgraduate Studies in Germany We take the lead once more and let you know about everything and for FREE! On April 19th and 26th, 2018 we have planned a WEBINAR, during which our highly qualified partners will answer all questions you may have about Studying in Germany! Undergraduate & Postgraduate Courses, Student Life
  1. Do I need to know German to study in Germany?
  2. Can I work in Greece with a degree from Germany?
  3. What documents are required? Is a Lyceum Baccalaureate sufficient?
  4. Are there universities without tuition fees?
  5. What is the cost of living for a student?
All the above and your questions will be answered in detail! Sign up for free here:

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